When may I visit the Library?  Is the Librarian available for help finding a book or with a research project? 


Library Hours

Monday:            7:30 am - 4:00 pm

Tuesday:           7:30 am - 4:00 pm

Wednesday:     7:30 am - 2:40 pm    -    CLOSED AFTER SCHOOL

Thursday:         7:30 am - 4:00 pm

Friday:               7:30 am - 3:00 pm

   How long may I keep a book?

   How many books may I borrow?

Lending period: 3 weeks - you may renew unless another student is waiting for your book

Lending limit: 3 books; up to 5 books for special research projects. You must have no overdue books or outstanding fines.

  What happens if I return a book late or lose a book?

  Will I have to pay a fine?

It is important to return your Library books on time. Other students will not be able to read the books you have stuffed under your bed or in your locker.

Here is how the system works:

You have a 30-day grace period, which means you have 30 days past the due date to return your book without a fine. After the grace period, the fine will be calculated back to the book's original due date.

Periodically throughout the year, the Library will conduct a one-week Overdue Book Amnesty - during that week, you may return any overdue books without paying a fine.

Should you lose a book, you must pay the cost of replacement.

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