Attention Student-Athletes and Parents:
This letter is for students interested in interscholastic athletic participation at the middle school.
The following interscholastic athletic sport teams are offered during the indicated seasons at the Middle School;
FALL – Boys & Girls Cross Country, Girls Volleyball
WINTER – Boys & Girls Basketball
SPRING – Boys & Girls Track
If your son or daughter are interested in participating on these middle school athletic teams a current and valid physical must be submitted prior to the start of practices. Those forms can be found on the school website; www.riverdell.org on the Athletics section of the site and at the main office, nurses office and the athletic offices in the high school and middle school.
The following form must be downloaded, completed and given to the doctor; Athletics Physical Forms.
The following form must be downloaded, completed and submitted to the school: Athletics PPE Medical Eligibility Form.
The following forms must be electronically submitted online through the Genesis Parent Portal; NJSIAA Concussion Acknowledgement Form, Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes Sign Off Form and Opioid Sign Off Sheet. The $50 Activity fee must be completed on Community Pass.
For HS student-athletes only (not MS student-athletes) Health History Update forms (state required for physicals over 90 days old) will only be available for submission online thru the Genesis Parent Portal.
Physical examinations must be completed by a personal family physician.
In order to guarantee clearance for fall sports the forms must be submitted no later than Friday, 8/30/24.
Examination forms given to your private physician must be completely filled out. The physicians office will retain the Physical Forms. The Athletic PPE Eligibility form is required to submit to the school. It is crucial to indicate the grade your child is entering in September of 2024 on the Athletic PPE Medical Eligibility form and the sports they would like to participate in. Please do not fill out and submit a form that will be older than one year prior to the start of the first sports season your student-athlete will participate in. Older physicals with outdated information will only delay in having your child physically cleared to participate.
Please submit the physical forms in the following manner: MAIL to: River Dell High School, Attn: Denis Nelson, Athletic Director, 55 Pyle St, Oradell, NJ 07649 or scan and email the forms but they must be clear and legible to [email protected]. Please do not bring the forms to the school and do not fax them to the school. Your compliance with this procedure will insure accuracy and expedite the process of officially clearing the student to participate. If a physical form is not completely filled out and signed it will be sent back to you and your student-athlete will NOT be cleared. All athletes must practice a minimum of 6 days before participating in scrimmages or games.
We look forward to your child’s participation this year. Thank you for your attention to this important procedure.
Follow us on X @RiverDellHawks
Athletics at River Dell are an outgrowth of the educational process. We take great pride in the efforts of our athletes, the leadership of our coaches and the support of our fans. Our philosophy is to involve as many students as possible in our interscholastic athletic programs with the belief that interscholastic athletics are an integral part of the total educational program. Participation in athletics helps to advance the emotional, social, moral and physical growth of the student athletes. As the students become involved in the athletic program at River Dell we will attempt to ensure that their experiences are among the most rewarding and positive that they have during their middle school years while helping to prepare them for the challenges of life beyond River Dell.
From the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA)
Profile of Athletic Administration:
A beneficial athletic program is one that provides student-athletes the opportunity to experience personal growth and development, both physically and mentally. Athletic programs should allow athletes the chance to accept personal responsibility for success and failure, and to recognize the limitations and strengths of both.
It is important for everyone, including staff, students and parents, to realize that participation in an athletic program is not the right of all students. It is a privilege that is afforded to those individuals who possess the ability, attitude, disposition, cooperative spirit and desire to represent their school and community. Athletic programs require higher standards and expectations in the area of academics, citizenship, training, rules and sportsmanship.