Contact info for Golf Outing, Distinguished Graduate and Athletics Hall of Fame Banquet is...
Cindy Sherlock
[email protected]
Athletics Hall of Fame Induction
The Hall of Fame Induction was held at the Hackensack Country Club on October 20, 2022.
Distinguished Graduate - Next induction Fall of 2026 (for a listing of inducted Distinguished Graduates please see below)
Golf Outing - June 23, 2025 @ The River Vale Country Club
Friends of River Dell is now on Facebook!
For the latest information, photos and events, follow us:
Friends of River Dell
P.O. Box 604
Oradell, NJ 07649
The Friends of River Dell are a non profit organization status or 501 3 C from the IRS.
The purpose of the Friends of River Dell Association, Incorporated is to encourage and support the activities and programs of the students of River Dell High and Middle Schools. It is a non profit Section 501 (c) (3) organization.
The group has completed the design, funding and construction of a fieldhouse (including concessions, public bathrooms and athletic storage capability) located proximate to the athletic fields at the High School. Several fundraisers were conducted and donations sought for the project. The Matty and Angie Certosimo Field House opened for use in September, 2012.
River Dell Distinguished Graduates
Andre H. Vanderzanden, M.D. - 1960
Dr. Robert Fisher - 1961
Susan Connaughton Kelley - 1961
Harvey Weiss - 1961
Dr. Richard Winant - 1961
James Cappola - 1962
Ronald Raymond Riso, PhD - 1963
Sharon Karp Milch - 1966
Keith Kulin - 1966
John J. LoCurto Jr., M.D. - 1966
Patricia Broderick - 1967
James McQueeny - 1967
Cosmo Buono - 1970
Michael Paseornek - 1970
Thomas Ryan - 1970
Elizabeth Vierling - 1971
Carrie Bell Jacobus - 1972
Bob Harrison - 1972
Steven Pietropaoli, Rear Admiral - 1972
Julia Schlam Edelman, M.D. - 1972
Peter Seldin - 1972
Artie Certosimo - 1973
James Carl Lessersohn - 1973
Jane Levine Powers - 1973
Paul J. Fishman - 1974
Lance Olsen - 1974
Kenneth Schultz - 1975
Dr. Paul Baron - 1976
Kenneth W. Cochran - 1976
Dr. Ann Marie McCarthy, PhD, CNP - 1976
Dr. Steven Semken - 1976
A. Fran Pietropaoli Moore - 1978
Peter J. Proietto - 1979
Joe DiPietro - 1980
Dr. Gregg Meyer - 1980
Patricia Peplinsky Thornton, PhD - 1981
Rob Roth - 1981
Noreen Geelan Springstead - 1986
Peter Schott - 1986
Christopher Kazlau - 1987
Creighton Drury - 1988
Dr. Jamie Nathan, M.D., FACS - 1989
Colleenn Sabella Bejot - 1992
Christopher Steel - 1995