
New Jersey Student Learning Standard 9.2 - 21st Century Life and Careers - Career Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation

Naviance is a computer-based program that provides tools (such as surveys, inventories & assessments) to help students create individual learning plans. Students will familiarize themselves with the program in middle school and continue its use throughout high school in order to plan coursework, apply to colleges, write resumes, set goals and explore careers.

The School Counseling department will introduce Naviance to 7th graders. Students will complete a Learning and Productivity Inventory to identify learning styles and preferences. Knowledge of learning styles helps determine a student's ideal learning and productivity conditions. Understanding how they work most efficiently improves their ability to take in information and empowers them to seek the resources they need for continued success.

The School Counseling department will continue to work on Naviance with 8th graders. Students will learn about John Holland's Theory of Career Choice and complete the Career Key, an innovative tool in Naviance that focuses on career exploration. Knowledge of careers that match one's personality increases the likelihood of pursing programs that lead to satisfaction and success.

These are exciting initiatives that will prove to be a great asset to each student's academic development. Parents and students are encouraged to log onto their Naviance account together at home to review and explore the Naviance program.

To access Naviance, go to:

For introductory information to get started on Naviance and information on the Learning Styles Inventory:

7th Grade: Learning and Productivity Inventory

For more information on Naviance and the Career Key:

8th Grade: Career Key

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