Mrs. Binder

Welcome to RiverDell Middle School!

I am very excited to be the seventh grade counselor this year!!! I am looking forward to working with the CLASS OF 2030 and helping you get the most out of your two years here at the middle school!

Some Reminders and Important Information About RDMS:

I'd like to highlight some important points so you know what to expect when you start this school year.

First, you will many, many of responsibilities, if not more, than you you did in 6th Grade. You will be getting to know a variety of new teachers, adhering to bell schedules for a full day, and learning to navigate through the building!

Second, you will have to manage your time properly to fit in all your activities and obligations. Balancing athletic practices and games, after school activities, social priorities, and academic rigors can be overwhelming. Establishing a proper routine early in the year can help you stay organized and focused.

Last but not least, you will be moving towards independence but still require some guidance and support from your parents, teachers, and school counselor. I encourage you to ask questions, seek answers on your own, and never be afraid to talk to adults about your worries or apprehensions. We want your last year at River Dell Middle School to be filled with proud moments, exciting adventures, and tons of learning!

A Little About Me:

The 2024 - 2025 school year marks my 22nd year with River Dell!!! I was hired at River Dell High school in 2003 after receiving my first masters degree in Special Education. During my time at River Dell I have advised classes and clubs, helped write curriculum, organized effective programs, and worked with a variety of teachers who helped me grow and evolve as an educator. After receiving my second masters in counseling I felt the need to move my career in a different direction. In 2008 I started to teach part time for a college. Now, sixteen years later, I am an adjunct professor and work with young adults who are pursuing careers in education. I'm very lucky to have had the opportunity to work with both high school students and young adults entering a new phase of their lives. To see students progress and evolve both professionally and personally is quite inspiring.

While I thoroughly enjoyed the classroom setting for many years, I always felt I could serve the students of River Dell more effectively in some other capacity. This upcoming year will start my 7th year as a counselor at the middle school. Working as a school counselor allows me the opportunity to reach and interact with a larger population of students. I am interested in making meaningful impressions on the 7th graders that will help shape them into conscientious young adults and best prepare them for high school.

When I'm not at River Dell, I'm usually spending time with friends and family. My husband, two young sons, and little dogs keep me very busy. I try to always find time to stay involved with current events, exercise good citizenship, and seek opportunities where I can learn and grow as a person.

If you need assistance or have a particular  question about the upcoming school year please email or call me:


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